August Horoscopes: A No-Cook Summer Recipe for Every Sign
Sweet, otherworldly Pisces, when you find people who understand you, hold on to them for dear life. Remember that at the beginning and end of this month when you experience a twinge of rejection or feel slightly out of place. Take comfort in your social bubble (Zoom hangouts count). While you can’t have an IRL potluck, you can make this Potluck Chopped Salad—a party of vibrant seasonal herbs and crisp rainbow radishes rounded out with a creamy umami dressing—and drop it off to your pals. That’ll have to do…for now!
Catherine Urban is an astrologer in Cleveland, Ohio, where she teaches, consults and writes about all things astrology. She is the author of Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign. Connect on IG @astrocatherine or visit