The Top “Quarantine Recipes” Around the World, According to Pinterest

Both out of need and comfort, almost everyone seems to be cooking right now while sheltering in place. You probably already know that banana bread and sourdough are exceptionally popular right now, but what else are people making? Pinterest had the same question, and so they dug into their data and discovered the most-searched and saved recipe ideas around the world. The results are fascinating.

After collecting the top recipes, one major thing has become super clear: Pinners all over the world love bread — any kind of bread. In the U.S. alone, searches for yeast-less “Navajo bread” went up a whopping 350x. Other popular searches include “salty croissants” (+1532% in Argentina), “damper bread” (+263% in Australia), and “Japanese brioche” (+1081% in France).

I have zero idea what a “salty” croissant consists of (I’m typically an almond or chocolate croissant kind of girl myself), but I’m definitely intrigued.

Besides bread in the United States, shepherd’s pie with ground beef is currently a popular recipe on Pinterest. In Japan, people are searching for “healthy gut recipes” and deep-fried lotus roots. In South Africa, naan bread with no yeast is popular, alongside macaroni recipes.

Here’s the full list of recipes trending around the globe right now as people shelter in place. Does anything stand out to you as interesting?